Electronic voting

This XKCD comic pretty much sums up my reaction every time someone mentions electronic voting.  I usually explain it with an analogy involving Scotch tape and bubble gum, but same idea.

As a side-note, there's an interesting response to this here.  The criticism, essentially, is that the comic is comparing apples to oranges.  For aircraft and elevators we're mostly concerned about accidental failures, whereas for voting machines the issue is protecting against intentional attacks.  So planes and elevators are only considered "safe" because we're not counting "being blown up" as a valid scenario that they need to defend against.

That's a fair criticism, but that's not really the point. When I hear regular, non-techie people talking about "computerize voting", they're not interested in the electronic replacements for old mechanical voting machines.  They're interested in voting online, like you'd vote in poll on Facebook.  That's a very different problem than securing a computerized voting machine, and much harder to solve.

On the state of my Vim-as-IDE

Last year I posted about adopting Vim as my default editor.  I've been leveling up my Vim knowledge since then, so I thought I'd write a summary of the current state of my ad hoc Vim IDE configuration.

First, let's start with some sources of information and inspiration.  I found Ben McCormick's Learning Vim in 2014 series to be very useful.  The Vim as Language post in particular offers an eye-opening perspective on the beauty of using Vim.  I've also been working my way through Steve Losh's Learn Vimscript the Hard Way, which is a great source for information on customizing your Vim configuration.  And if you want a little inspiration to give Vim a try, here is Roy Osherove's "Vim for Victory" talk from GOTO 2013.

So how has my Vim adoption gone?  Pretty well, actually.  When I look back at my original post on looking for a new editor, it's pretty clear that a sufficiently customized Vim meets all my criteria.  However, to be fair, it did take a while to get it sufficiently customized.  The customization I've done wasn't actually that hard, but it took some time to figure out what I needed, what I could do, and then Google how to do it.  But paradoxically, that's one of the strengths of Vim - it's been around long enough that pretty much everything that you might want to do either has a plugin available or has been documented someplace on the web, so you rarely need to write any original code.

My Plugins

These days there are actually quite a few plugin managers available for Vim.  The nice thing about this is that they all support the same plugin format, i.e. GitHub repositories laid out in the standard ~/.vim directory format.  I'm currently using Plug because it provides an easy mechanism for selective or deferred plugin loading (in the case where you have a plugin that's not always needed and slows down Vim startup).

Here are some of the goodies my Plug plugin list currently contains:

  • scrooloose/nerdtree - A nice file explorer plugin that provides some enhancements to Vim's native file browser.  Pretty much a must-have for every Vim setup.
  • ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim - A fuzzy file finder that works on buffers and other stuff too.  Just press ctrl+p and start typing the name you want.
  • jlanzarotta/bufexplorer - A handy plugin to list and switch between the current buffers.  Think of it as like the tab strip at the top of other editors, but easier to deal with from the keyboard.
  • tpope/vim-dispatch - A nice plugin for running external programs asynchronously.  By default, external command execution blocks the rest of the UI until the command is done.  This is fine sometimes, but not others.  Dispatch integrates with other plugins and provides a way to run things in the background and get their output back into Vim.
  • tpope/vim-surround - Provides a Vim movement that helps you manipulate surrounding entities.  Good for things like changing quotes, HTML tags, etc.
  • Chiel92/vim-autoformat - Provides an interface to various code formatters.  I use it as a replacement for the JSON beautifying feature that I loved so much in Komodo.
  • mileszs/ack.vim - A quick and easy integration of the ack! text search tool.  Like the built-in grep, but better.
  • joonty/vim-sauce - Sauce is a handy little plugin for managing multiple configuration files.  It's also useful for adding the concept of a "project" to Vim.  I use it to create project-specific configurations that handle all the customization that would be done in the project file of a regular IDE.
  • janko-m/vim-test - A unit test runner plugin that handles many different tools.
  • vim-airline/vim-airline - An enhanced status line that's both pretty and displays some useful information.
  • w0rp/ale - The Asynchronous Lint Engine, this offers syntax and style checking with inline error notifications, just like in a regular IDE.
  • majutsushi/tagbar - A tool for displaying the tags in the current file, similar to the structure browsers found in IDEs.

Needless to say, I also made a number of other customizations to my Vim configuration.  My full work-in-progress Vim configuration is in this repo if you're interested.  I do not hold this up as a great example of how to configure Vim, but it's working for me so far and, as previously noted, it actually wasn't all that much work.

The IDE Functionality

So what functionality do I have with this setup?  Well, it turns out I actually get most of what I previously had with Komodo.  Of course, I need to integrate with a few external packages for this, the key ones being Exuberant CTags, which indexes identifiers in the code, and ack for text search.  I also need various external formatters and linters, though the specific programs depend on what language I'm coding in.  Nothing fancy, though - they're pretty much all command-line executables that you can just drop someplace in your path.

So here's what I get for my trouble:

  • Insanely powerful key bindings.  I mean sersiously powerful - I don't think there's anything you can do in Vim that can't be bound to a keystroke.  And it's usually pretty easy.  Just the other week I defined a couple of ad hoc key bindings to help me add translation keys to a web template.  It's really a beautiful thing.
  • Inline syntax and style checking.  Using ALE in conjunction with the appropriate external linters, I get the same kind of inline checking I can get in PHPStorm.
  • Navigating identifiers.  Using Vim's ctag support, it's possible to navigate uses and definitions of a particular, for example, much like the code browsing abilities of PHPStorm.  Of course, it's not perfect because ctags lack knowledge of the context of the identifier, but it's not bad.  (And to be fair, I've seen the code navigation in PHPStorm and Komodo fall over on more than one occasion.)
  • Searching.  Between CtrlP and Ack, I have some nice facilities for searching for or within files.  Again, very similar to what I had in Komodo or PHPStorm.
  • Project management.  Between NERDTree and Sauce, I have some decent support for the concept of project.  They give me a nice file tree navigation panel and the ability to define project-specific configuration.


The short version is that this Vim experiment is going pretty well.  Granted, it is somewhat more work than figuring out a traditional IDE.  But on the other hand, it's not that bad and actually isn't as much work as I thought it would be.

In terms of functionality, I find that I haven't actually given up very much.  In fact, if you're talking about multi-language IDEs, I'm not even sure I've given up anything I care about.  It turns out that Vim is remarkably capable and the plugin ecosystem is very large and deep.

Would I recommend this to someone who's never touched Vim before?  Probably not.  But if you're familiar with Vim and interested in trying a new way of working, it might be worth a shot.  At worst, you'll improve your Vim skills and enjoy using a nice, fast editor that doesn't eat up half a gigabyte of RAM when it's just sitting there doing nothing.