Old people and legacy support

Lauren Weinstein had an interesting post a earlier this year discussing software developers' attitudes toward the elderly.  His main point is that developers tend not to think at all about the issues that older people have when working with computers. These include things like reluctance to or difficulty with learning new programs or ways of working; old hardware which they can't afford to upgrade; isolation and lack of access to help; and physical limitations, such as poor eyesight or reduced manual dexterity.

Of course, this is obviously not true of all developers (like Lauren, for example), but if we apply it to the general zeitgeist of the community, at least as you see it online, then there does seem to be something to this.  As a group, developers are very focused on "the coming thing", as Brisco County Jr. would say.  We all want to be ahead of the curve, working with the cool new technology that's going to take over the world.  We want to be on greenfield projects that are setting the standard for how to do things.  That's why otherwise intelligent programmers do or suggest crazy things like rewriting their conventional LAMP-based site in Go and ReactJS.  Of course, it's long been established that rewriting from scratch is almost always stupid and wasteful, but the fact is that while PHP might pay the bills, it isn't cool.

Of course, it isn't just because they want to be cool that developers like newer technologies.  There are plenty of other reasons.  Intellectual curiosity, for one.  Many of us got into this line of work because we enjoy learning new things, and there are always interesting new technologies coming out to learn.  Learning old things can be interesting as well, but there are a few problems with that:

  1. Older technologies are less marketable.  Learning new tech takes a lot of time and effort, and if the tech is already on the way out, the odds of seeing a return on that investment of time, whether financial or just in terms of re-using that knowledge, are significantly lower.
  2. Older tech involves more grunt work.  In other words, older programming technologies tend to work at a lower level.  Not always, but the trend is to increasing levels of abstraction.  That means that it will likely take more effort and/or code to do the same thing that you might get more or less for free with newer tech.
  3. The problems are less fun.  This particularly applies to things like "supporting Internet Explorer", which Lauren mentions.  When you have to support both the old stuff and the new stuff, you generally have lots of problems with platform-specific quirks, things that are supposed to be compatible but really aren't, and just generally trying to work around limitations of the older tech.  These are the kind of problems that can be difficult, but not in a good way.  They're less like "build a better mousetrap" and more like "find a needle in this haystack".

So, in general, developers aren't usually super enthusiastic about working with or supporting old tech.  It's not really as bad as some people make it sound, but it's not really where most of us want to be.

Another factor is the way websites are developed.  The ideal is that you'd have somebody who is trained and experienced in designing user experiences and who is capable of considering all the use-cases and evaluating the site based on them.  That person could communicate that information to the designers and developers, who could incorporate it into their work and produce sites that are easy to use, compatible with assistive technologies, degrade gracefully when using less capable hardware or software, etc.  The reality is that this rarely happens.  In my experience:

  1. Many teams (at least the ones I have experience with) have no UX designer.  If you're lucky, you'll have a graphic designer who has some knowledge or awareness of UX concerns.  More likely, it will be left up to the developers, who are typically not experts.  And if you're very unlucky, you'll have to work with a graphic designer who is fixated on pixel-perfect fidelity to the design and is completely indifferent to the user experience.
  2. Most developers are on the young side.  (There are plenty of older developers out there, but the field has been growing for years and the new people coming in are almost all young.)  They're also able-bodied, so they really have any conception of the physical challenges that older people can have.  And it's hard to design for a limitation that you didn't think of and don't really understand.
  3. While it's easy in principle, progressive enhancement and graceful degradation can be very tricky to actually pull off.  The main reason is that it's extremely easy to accidentally introduce a change that doesn't play well with some browser, doesn't display properly at some resolution, or what have you.
  4. And let's not forget testing.  Even if you can build a site with progressive enhancement, proper accessibility, and attention to the needs of less technical users with little support available, you still need to test it.  And the more considerations, use-cases, and supported configurations you have, the more your testing space expands.  That makes it much harder and more time-consuming to make sure that all these things are actually present and working as intended for all users.

So what am I trying to say here?  I do agree with Lauren that supporting elderly users, disabled users, etc. is an important thing.  It's a thing that, as an industry, we should do.  But it's hard.  And expensive (at least compared to the way most shops work now).  That's not an excuse for not doing it - more like an explanation.

Every shop needs to find a balance between supporting a diversity of users and doing what they need to do within a reasonable budget of time and money.  While it's important to think about security and support new standards, I think that in recent years the industry has probably been a little too quick to abandon old, but still widely used technologies.  If nothing else, we should at least think more about our target user base and whether we're actually serving them or ourselves by introducing $COOL_JS_FRAMEWORK or dropping support for Internet Explorer.  I'm sure that in many (but not all) cases, dropping the old stuff is the right choice, but that shouldn't be the default assumption.

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