Comments on DHCP fails on boot in Feisty

  1. No Subject

    how do i do what you did to fix this 28% problem? I'm new to linux.

    If you get this can you please respond via email as I'm lost all over the net trying to find a solution and no idea if will find this site again! even bookmarking is useless with all the formats!

    thanks, matt.

  2. Upgrade to Gutsy

    Well, I never did get it fixed on Feisty. It seems that NetworkManager just wasn't working correctly with my WiFi card. I'm still not certain why.

    The long-term fix for me was simply upgrading to Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon). With Gutsy, Kubuntu now has a restricted driver manager that allowed me to automatically download and install the firmware for my Broadcom WiFi card. With that firmware, the open-source driver now works correctly and I don't need NDISwrapper anymore. And with that fixed, NetworkManager now works properly with my card.

    If you really wanted to, I imagine it's possible to install the Broadcom firmware manually and use the open-source Broadcom driver on Feisty, but I've never tried it. If possible, I would recommend just installing Gutsy. It's probably easier, especially if you're a newbie.

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