The anti-agile

I think I've put my finger on the reason that, despite being a rookie in it's practice, I'm so enamoured of Test-Driven Development. It's because TDD, despite being an "agile" programming practice, is the very inverse of agile methods. It's good, old-fashioned design. The only difference is that it's dressed up to look like programming.

At least that's what I get from reading Dave Astel's thoughts on TDD. He's an advocate of Behavior-Driven Development. This is an evolution of Test-Driven Development where the emphasis is shifted from testing units of code to describing the desired behaviour of the system. The idea is that rather than concentrate on writing a test for each class method, you figure out what the system should do and design your test cases around that rather than around the program structure. (Apologies if I mangled that explanation - I only learned about BDD today.)

This is somewhat similar to the other expansion of the initialism "TDD" that I discovered early in my research - Test-Driven Design. Note that the emphasis here is on using the unit tests as a design tool, i.e. specifying the behavior of the system. In other words, the unit tests are not written to do testing per se, but rather as a vehicle for expressing the low-level system specification.

Having studied formal development methods, it seems to me that, at a fundamental level, practitioners of TDD and formal methods are really doing pretty much the same thing. They're both trying to describe how a program is supposed to function. The TDD people do it by creating a test suite that asserts what the program should and shouldn't do. The formal methods people do it by writing Z specifications and SPARK verification conditions. Both are creating artifacts that describe how the system is supposed to work. The formal methods people do it with verifiable mathematical models, while the TDD people do it with executable test. They're just two different ways of trying to get to the same place.

In a way, this seems to be the opposite of what agile methods promote. Most of the agile propoganda I've read advocates doing away with specifications and documentaiton to the maximum extent possible. In fact, I've even read some statements that the amount of non-code output in a project should approach zero. And yet TDD can be viewed primarily as a design activity of the type that, using a different notation, would generate reams of paper. The only thing that saves it is the technicallity that the design language is also a programming language. It just seems a little ironic to me.

I suppose that's really the genius of TDD. It's the type of specification activity programmers are always told they should do, but repackaged into a code-based format that's palatable to them. It's sort of a compromise between traditional "heavy-weight" design methods and the more common "make it up as we go" design. I don't want to say it's the best of both worlds, but it's certainly better than the undisciplined, half-assed approach to design that's so common in our industry.

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