More Mercurial hooks - well that was confusing

OK, that was a little confusing.

So after my initial attempt at a Mercurial hook to connect my public repository to my Mantis instance, I decided to rearrange things a little. Initially, I was using a "commit" hook on my local machine. However, for the public bug tracker with the public repository, it made more sense to put the hook on the server. So I switched it to an "incoming" hook in my hgweb.config.

Actually converting the script to work with my Linux based web host was pretty easy. Just one command, really:



$hg log -vr $HG_NODE --style $basedir/mercurial/templates/multiline | php $mantis

Nice and simple, right?

The hard/annoying part was in the style template file. Seem I wanted my commit message to have multiple lines and indent the file list, like this:

Changeset 85:5f7504e02f1c by Peter Geer, Mon Jan 17 23:12:46 2011 -0500
Updated plugin for PHP5 and fixed blog root when taken from defined constant (fix bug 0000021).

Problem was, it just didn't work. I was using exactly the same template text as in the old hook script, but I was getting everything on the same line. By switching from "\n" to "\r\n" as my newline escape code, I was able to get newlines to work, but the indentation still didn't.

Guess what fixed it - switching from double to single quotes.

changeset = 'Changeset {branches}{rev}:{node|short} by {author|person}, {date|date}\n{desc}\n{files} '
file = ' {file}\n'

Seriously. That's it. No mention of that in the manual - they're supposed to be the same. In fact, the example of this in the manual uses double-quotes.

Oddly enough, using double-quotes worked just fine on the command line. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the fact that I'm using hgweb or something. Either way, that really sucked.

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