Text-based UML

Recently I discovered a new tool that I never knew I needed - PlantUML.

If you're like me, you probably want to do more UML.  I mean, I'm interested in software design and architecture.  I read books and articles about it.  I even wrote my thesis on formal modeling.  So I'd love to do more UML modeling.

The thing is...I don't like UML modelers.  I mean, it's not that the tools are bad - in fact, some of them are pretty good.  It's just that creating a UML model feels so heavy.  And while the actual modeling features that many tools have are really cool and useful in some circumstances, I find that 90% of the time all I really need is a simple diagram.  And while any UML tool can help you make a diagram, I feel like I usually end up getting bogged down in the mechanics of putting it together.  You know, you've got to select the right type of box, select the right type of relationship, then the tool renders the connections in a weird way by default so you have to fix it, etc.  Before you know it, you've spent 20 minutes on a diagram that would have taken two minutes if you'd done it on paper.

Enter PlantUML.  It bills itself as a "drawing tool" for UML, but the upshot is that it's a way to define your models in plain text.  You just write your models in your favorite text editor (and yes, there's a Vim syntax file available), run the tool, and it will spit out a rendered UML diagram.  Here's an example:


And here's the text that generated that: @startuml class Link { name : string description : string url : string } class Tag { name : string } class Folder { name : string } class User { username : string password : string setPassword(password : string) } class Comment { body : string } Link "1" -- "*" Tag : has > Link "1" -- "*" Comment : < belongs to Folder "1" -- "*" Link : contains Folder "1" -- "*" Folder : contains User "1" -- "*" Link : owns > @enduml

As you can see, the syntax is fairly straight-forward and pretty compact.  All of the standard UML diagram types are supported and the syntax allows you to provide minimal detail and still produce something meaningful.  In addition to the GUI shown above, it can also run from the command line and just create PNG images (or whatever format you like) of your diagrams, so you could easily work it into your build pipeline.  And the installation is simple - just download and run the JAR file.

The thing I really like, though, is that this text-based format makes it easy to store and source-control UML alongside your code.  Yes, you technically can do that with other formats, but it's awkward.  XMI files are huge and ugly and I don't even want to think about the project files for Eclipse-based tools.  But with PlantUML you can just have a directory with some "modelname.pu" files in it that are small, simple, and produce diffs that are easy to read when you change them.

I haven't tried it out yet, but I'm also interested in how feasible it would be to put the models right in the code, e.g. put the text in comments.  Seems like it might help with the whole "keeping code and models in sync" thing.  But maybe that's a bit much.

I recommend checking it out.  If you want a quick and easy method, there's an online version that you can test.