Comments on Advance your career by losing hope

  1. No Subject

    Relocating is a wise decision. If you don't have happiness in the workplace, your unhappiness transcends to every other area of your life. We must devote such a huge portion of our lives to work, no sense working somewhere that isn't fulfilling for you and is utterly futile. And moving to a more metropolitan area would be great. More diversity, more culture, more events, more friend making opportunities, more everything. I feel your pain because I am exactly in this same situation. I don't want to move, but I feel I must abide by the mantra that you only live once, and do what makes you happy and happy I am NOT these days.

    Even though job advertisements ask for the world, I would still apply for the positions anyways. You never know. They might see potential in you and hire you anyways, even if you don't hold some knowledge in some specific technology. That's just my two cents.

  2. In the same boat

    I'm in the same situation. Most of the good IT jobs are on the peninsula in the bay area and I live in the central valley .. which is about 65-70 miles away. At one time I commuted to a job there and it took 2 hours to get to the job. I really dont want to do that again, and opportunities are limited around here so I am debating moving to Seattle. It's really hard making these types of decisions. I've lived in my house for 7 years and really dont want to leave, but I feel like I need to get going on my career since im not getting any younger (35). The current job I have is dreadful and is not something that I want to do, but is more of a convienance for me since its closer.

  3. Glad I'm not alone

    Thanks, David. It's always nice to know it's not just me.

    I'm rapidly coming to the realization that I'm going to *have* to move. I've started looking at jobs that are 80 to 100 miles from my house, and I *really* don't want to spend three hours a day in the car. I just know I can't stay in my current job, as my job dissatisfaction is reaching unhealthy levels.

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