Mercurial hooks

Last time I mentioned that I'd set up Mantis with a Subversion hook. Well, I've been rethinking the Subversion part.

I was listened to a back episode of Hanselminutes last week in which Scott was interviewing SourceGear's interviewing Eric Sink about DVCS and it was a very interesting conversation. Source control is one of those things you don't usually think about as a developer. You learn how to use a source control system that's "good enough", and after that, just sort of take it for granted. You certainly don't spend a lot of time jumping back and forth between systems and trying out the possibilities.

I really liked the way Eric explained distributed version control. As he pointed out, most of the arguments for DVCS that you hear seem pretty pointless, such as "There's no central server," or "You can commit on an airplane." what? Why wouldn't I want a central server - how else do you determine the authoritative repository? And honestly, who does important work on an airplane?

Instead, Eric framed the discussion in terms of flexibility. The flip-side of the above stupid arguments is actually pretty compelling. With DVCS, there's no central server, but that just means that your central server is determined by convention, not by the software, and it's much easier to set up "slave" repositories for remote sites. Likewise, while being able to commit on a plane is pointless, there's definite value in not needing to have a connection to the server to do core version control operations. Or, to put it another way, I may not code on a plane, but I do often code in coffee shops with slow WiFi connections.

So, in light of that, I decided to give Mercurial a try. According to Eric, it's fairly user-friendly, especially for Subversion users, and it's fairly Windows-friendly (it even has a TortoiseHg client, for whatever that's worth). So, since I was thinking of resurrecting LnBlog, I decided to use that as my test-case.

That leads me back into the Subversion hooks tie-in. Since I went to all the trouble of setting up an issue tracker and hooking it to SVN, I figured I'd do the same with Mercurial. Fortunately, it wasn't too bad once I figured out what I needed to do. I was able to fairly easily adapt the Powershell script I wrote for Subversion to work with Mercurial. In fact, the Mercurial version was actually shorter.

Actually adding a commit hook in Mercurial is pretty simple. You just add a line to your .hgrc file:
commit = powershell \path\to\hg-commit-hook.ps1

It seems that Mercurial preserves the environment for hooks, so you don't seem to have to worry about absolute paths and such like you do in Subversion.

The changes to the script itself were fairly small. This wiki page had a few good examples that got me started. The two big things were the passing of data and generating the message to pass to Mantis. Mercurial actually passes data into hook scripts through environment variables rather than command-line parameters, which is nice in that you actually get meaningful variable names coming in. As for the message generation, Mercurial's log command allows you to specify a template for its output, including substitution variables and some simple formatting functions. The result is a nice, short script with only a couple of calls to hg:

[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | Out-Null

$issue = hg log -vr $env:HG_NODE

# If we don't have an issue number, just exit.
if ($issue -match "\b(?:bug|issue)\s*[#]{0,1}(\d+)\b") {
   $style_file = @'
changeset = "Changeset {branches}{rev}:{node|short} by {author|person}, {date|date}\n{desc}\n{files}"
file = " {file}\n"
   Write-Output $style_file | Out-File -Encoding ASCII -Width 1000 hgstyle

   $data = hg log -vr $env:HG_NODE --style hgstyle
   rm hgstyle

   # Keep the cast to string from clobbering line breaks.
   $data = [String]::Join("`n", $data)
   $postData = "secret=somePassword&message="
   $postData += [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($data)

   C:\Cygwin\bin\wget.exe -O req.out --post-data=$postData
   rm req.out

That's it - a measly two calls to Mercurial, including one to see if we even need to run the hook. By specifying the right template, we can get the entire message in one command. That template gives me something like this:
Changeset 70:cbdb625298ca by Peter Geer, Mon Dec 13 16:45:53 2010 -0500
Got rid of unneeded requires now that we have an autoloader (issue #0000005).

Perhaps not quite as pretty as the Subversion version, but close enough for now. Perhaps if I feel like getting really fancy, I'll look at the Python API for Mercurial and try my hand at writing some in-process hook code.

Edit: Updated the script to put each of the listed file on a new, indented line.

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Comments #

    Fun with remote execution policy

    Thanks for the info. I was trying out your suggestions above when I encounter the message:
    File C:\Temp\SamplePowershellScripts\Sample.ps1 cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for more details.

    I ran Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted and tried again, and the same error. If I navigate to the directory that contains my Powershell script, and run it within the Powershell command prompt, my script runs fine. But when I try to run the same script as a Mercurial commit script, it throws the error. Is there a trick for getting around this?

    That's odd

    Strange. I'm not sure what's going on there. I actually don't use this method anymore (I ported my hook script to bash and moved it to the server), but I don't recall having to do anything special to get the Powershell script to run. My execution policy has always been set to RemoteSigned and it worked just fine.

    The only thing I can think of that might be an issue is if the hook script is not being run as your user account. I believe that in Win7 the execution policy is per-user, so if the script runs as another account you would have to set the execution policy for that account too. I'm not sure if that's applicable to your situation, though. I just don't have any other brilliant suggestions.

    Try changing scope

    Ryan - try
    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine

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