Reference project root in command

Continuing on the Komodo macro theme for this week, here's another little macro template that might come in handy.  This one is just a quick out outline for how to reference your project's root directory when running a command.

As you may know, Komodo's commands support a variety of interpolation variables to do things like insert file paths and other input into your commands.  The problem is that there's no variable to get the base directory of your current project - by which I mean the "project base directory" that you can set in your project properties.  Oh, sure, there's the %p and %P variables that work on the current project, but they don't get the project base path.  They get the path to the project file and the directory in which the project file is contained.  That's fine when your project file lives in the root of your source tree, but if you want to put your project files in another location, it doesn't help.

Sadly, there is currently no way to get this path using the interpolation variables.  However, it's pretty easy to get with a macro.  The only problem with that is that the macro syntax is a little odd and the documentation is somewhat lacking.  The documentation for does little more that give the function signature, which is bad because there are 17 parameters to that function, and it's not entirely clear which are required and what the valid values are.  Luckily, when you create a command, the data is stored in JSON format with keys that more or less match the parameter names to runCommand(), so you can pretty much figure it out by creating the command as you'd like it and then opening the command file up in an editor tab to examine the JSON.

Anyway, here's macro template.  Needless to say, you can substitute in the project base directory at the appropriate place for your needs.  In my case, I needed it in the working directory.

var partSvc = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.koIPartService),
    baseDir = partSvc.currentProject.liveDirectory,
    dir = baseDir + '\\path\\to\\OpenLayers\\build',
    cmd = 'python';, cmd, dir, undefined, false, false, true, "command-output-window");

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