Night theme in TT-RSS

Just a quick note on a small customization to Tiny Tiny RSS.  If you're not aware of TT-RSS, it's the online RSS aggregator that I switched to after Google Reader closed down.  It's got all the features I care about, has a fairly nice web UI and there are mobile apps and mobile-web front-ends available.  And despite what it says in the official system requirements about needing a dedicated server, it works perfectly on my el cheapo shared hosting account - wasn't even hard to set up.

Anyway, I recently switched the configuration for the web viewer from the "default" theme to the "night" theme, which is a white-on-black color scheme.  I decided to try that because it matches better with a lot of the development tools I'm using (Komodo IDE, Visual Studio, command prompts - all light text on dark backgrounds).  The only problem is that, unlike the default theme, which shows headlines of posts you've read in a different color, the night theme doesn't visually differentiate read and unread posts.

Fortunately, this is easy to fix.  You can just open up the preferences and there's an option to customize your stylesheet.  To change the highlight color, copy something like the following into the custom CSS box.

body#ttrssMain .hl .hlTitle a {
    color: #878787;  /* A slightly darker gray to use for "read" posts. */

body#ttrssMain .hlTitle a,
body#ttrssMain .hl.Unread .hlTitle a {
    color: #CCC;  /* Normal headline color for the "night" theme. */


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